It is our generation's mission to resolve the struggle for Palestine. Will we fulfill it? Or betray it?

Sunday, October 21, 2007


***CORRECTION: ARA is leaving for Lansing at 3 p.m. from the Undergraduate Library. Anyone that needs a ride should meet us at 3 p.m.***

Nick Griffin, a hardline Neo-Nazi, Islamophobe, Homophobe, Holocaust denier, anti-Semite and White Supremacist is speaking at Michigan State University on Friday. Griffin is the chairman of the British National Party (BNP), a white nationalist, fascist organization in Great Britain. They are an all white organization that deems non-whites in Britain "non-British" and seeks their deportation. They oppose mixed-race relationships, and have referred to the Holocaust as the "Holohoax." Recently, the BNP has been contesting elections and winning local offices throughout the country. They are not a fringe group; they aspire to gain political power and begin implementing their program.

The BNP is part of a wave of xenophobic and ultra-nationalist groups spreading across both the United States and Europe. In the US, this movement finds expression in "Islamofascism Awareness Week." Islamofascism Awareness Week is an outright racist attack on Muslims taking place on over 100 campuses across the country. It represents a serious threat to Muslim folks in this country. Nick Griffin is here to advise similar groups in the United States about how they can popularize white supremacist ideas and organize to seize power.

In response to this speaker, Anti-Racist Action is calling on all anti-racist and democratic-minded people to join in a carpool Friday, October 26th. We will meet in the Undergraduate Library and depart for Lansing at 3 p.m. In Lansing, we will meet up with other anti-fascist forces for a short rally before proceeding to Griffin's lecture.

RSVP by Friday at 12 noon to STRUGGLE@WSUARA.ORG


The Green Arrow said...

Smash Fascism? From your choice of words, you seem more like fascists to me.

I thought America was the home of free speech. Obviously not.

I am not sure where you are getting your information from, but the BNP is nothing like the portrait you paint.

It is a democratic political party with some hard answers for a serious problem.

WSU ARA said...

Anyone that needs convincing about the threat the BNP poses should check out the previous commenter's website.

He is a proud supporter of the BNP, and his website is littered with racist images and beliefs about Muslim people.

The BNP is a serious threat to Arab and Muslim people in particular, but also to all people of color, anti-racist activists, and democratic-minded people.

And by the way, in the US, we have just as little tolerance for hate speech as in the UK, where anti-fascist activists have militantly opposed the BNP for years. We don't let the KKK march, we wouldn't let al Qaeda march, and we will challenge and oppose Nick Griffin and the BNP.

WSU ARA said...


A recent post on the blog "Anti-Racist Blog" shows that Zionists make no distinction between those who are anti-Zionist (ARA) and those who are anti-Semites (Griffin and the BNP). They accuse ARA of being anti-Semites yet again, in spite of the fact that ARA members will be on the frontlines in Lansing when Griffin comes to town. We will face down anti-Semites and challenge their ability to organize to murder Jews, people of color, and queer folks.

But rather than militantly confronting this anti-Semite and Holocaust denier, anti-racist blog is encouraging readers to write and call the president of the university. How ridiculous! By the time that has happened, the speech will be over and the damage will be done. At the same time, when ARA speaks, anti-racist blog is quick to call the police, counter-demonstrate, and do anything in its power to prevent us from speaking.

This shows a very simple reality: they are willing to fight vigorously against anti-Zionism, but give proven anti-Semites a free pass. ARA has been saying for a long time that being anti-Zionist is NOT the same as being anti-Semitic. Anti-racist blog has proven our case by their differing response to both. Anti-Semitism they want to ignore and hope it goes away. Anti-Zionism they will vigorously campaign against, lying, cheating, and doing anything else to try to shut down the voice of conscience in the struggle for Palestine.

If the consequences of allowing Griffin to organize his white supremacist message were not so dear, this would be just another cowardly joke about Zionists.

Anonymous said...

More on Griffin at

Anonymous said...

Smash Zionism.
Smash all other forms of racism, too.
Boycott the Nazi State of Israel.