It is our generation's mission to resolve the struggle for Palestine. Will we fulfill it? Or betray it?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Our Lion

This is a poetry submission from an ARA supporter regarding the recent sale of a statue from ancient Mesopotamia. ARA would like to encourage other creative-minded folks to send over their own works on these and other topics for publication on the blog. Anonymity will be maintained for those who prefer it. Send submissions to

Our Lion

this ancient lion of ours
has been auctioned off.
proceeds will go to a charitable trust formed by the martin family.
one of these days
an iraqi is going to steal the mona lisa
and sell it for 57 million dollars
for the proceeds to go to a charitable trust formed by abeer qassim hamza's family.
and it will be a popular news item
for many a web surfer to marvel at
and pat themselves on the back
for being informed.
perhaps they auction mesopotamia's artifacts
and protect mesopotamia's oil ministry
and write mesopotamia's constitution
and stand guard at mesopotamia's soil, rivers and skies
because the true owners
are too displaced
too tortured
too orphaned
too dead
to protect their own things themselves.

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